Another Five Ways to Help an Author

Here are 5 more suggestion from Tracy Weber

Point out their books at your local bookstore.  Maybe your local bookstore carries their books, maybe it doesn’t. But booksellers aren’t always familiar with all of the books they carry.  Lord knows, they certainly can’t read them all! The next time you’re at a book store, talk up your favorite author with one of the employees.  Point out the cover.  Tell them what you love.  You might just provide the information that helps that employee connect a future customer with your favorite author’s work!

Tweet your heart out!  I have to confess—I’m a Twidiot.  I send out a Tweet every now and again, and I can retweet with the best of them, but I still need to learn more about this tool to use it effectively.  Particularly if your favorite author is a YA author, Twitter is crucial to their success.  So, Tweet about them!  Tweet links to their “buy” sites, links to their author pages, or anything else you think your followers would like.

Talk about them in Facebook groups.  Your favorite author’s genre likely has fan groups on Goodreads, and they are the perfect hangout spot to talk up your author with people who won’t roll their eyes and start snoring.  Share what you like about their recent work and browse other threads to discover new favorites.  You might even make a new friend or two!

Tell your friends and family about their books.  We all get so hung up on social media that we forget we have real live people that we talk to every day.  Word of mouth is one of the best ways to sell books, and when it comes in the form of a smiling face, it works even better.  If you contact your favorite author, she may be willing to send you bookmarks or other promotional material to give out.  (I know I am!)  Go forth and talk about books!

Shelf their books on Shelfari! I have to admit, this is a tool I’ve only played with, but it’s a goldmine of information for readers.  Books listed can have everything from character descriptions, to parent notes, to plot synopses, to reviews. And I haven’t even looked at the groups yet.  Check it out!

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